Utopia Bureau x Extinction Rebellion collaboration
Everyone pays lip service to the climate crisis now. But do they mean it?
We help launch Extinction Rebellion’s whistleblowing platform to find out.
TruthTeller is aimed at executives in companies that still plan to damage the planet.
New tactics in the age of Covid and lockdown restrictions included:
We have created free Zoom backgrounds for fossil fuel companies to help keep their employees focused on carbonising the planet. Download yours free at fossilfuelzoom.com.
And a flyposter campaign that stands out on any self-respecting professional’s daily run. Covered amongst others in the FT.
A first-of-its-kind Linkedin ad campaign Directly targeting employees in specific companies like Shell, Barclays, Exxon. Who clicked on it in unprecedented numbers.
Unauthorised inserts in the FT across the UK “How to Save It”, the XR version of the infamous “How to Spend It”.
XR calling cards distributed in executive-rich neighbourhoods inviting them to whistleblow-from-home.